
This past Sunday, I attended a service at Cross Point Church with a few of my friends.  This sermon concluded their Movement series which followed the book of James. Covering James 5:7-11, David Nasser delivered a message about a topic that is especially lacking in today’s world: Patience. This sermon put life into perspective for me and I feel called to share what I learned with you!

Nasser started by differentiating between the secular definition and biblical definition of patience. In secular wording, patience is “the capacity to remain tranquil during delay, suffering, or adversity”. In biblical wording, it is “the God given capacity to remain tranquil during delay, suffering, or adversity”. Nasser stressed that although these two definitions appear identical at first glance, they couldn’t be any more vastly different. The former is purely self-generated and natural, whereas the latter is spirit-generated and supernatural.

He then broke this fruit of the spirit down into four segments:

  1. Patience is imperative (not optional): The using of the fruits is not a mere suggestion; It is a God-given command. He says “be patient” because “be” indicates that it is part of who you are. God intended for His people to be godly when giving us these gifts so that we may be seen as bright lights, even when we have been wronged. He wants us to turn our cheek and love others, even when we have been betrayed, hurt, let down, etc. This supernatural ability is just that: beyond natural. It is a natural reaction to act out of anger or spite. Instead, we are commanded to be patient and love those who have hurt us, and it takes a supernatural form of patience to do so.
  2. Patience is cultivated (not fabricated): Nasser uses the analogy of comparing spiritual growth to that of an orchard, where the growth of fruit takes time and is not forced. As we develop our relationship with God through both the mountains and valleys of life, the growing of our fruits and faith take time. God is not looking for perfection; He is looking for growth.
  3. Patience is personal (not private): You can’t love God and not love people. This means that we need to be patient with others, just as He is with us. Our faith allows for us to be the light that shines brightly in the darkness and enhance our witness. In order to shine as brightly as we can, we must share God’s goodness with others all the while still developing our own relationship with Him.
  4. Patience is faithfulness: Although we may lose a battle, the war is already won. In the end, there is good news waiting and this happened when Jesus died on the cross. It is easy to lose sight of God’s promise for us in such a self-motivated and tunnel-visioned world that we find ourselves within today. Becoming attached to secular motivations pulls us farther from God and causes us to lose sight of these promises.  Have faith, His timing is perfect and he will not desert you. God is so good!

When Nasser said that the entire sermon was centered around patience, I couldn’t help but chuckle on the inside. Patience is something that I struggle with daily, and I knew that God was looking down and saying, “Listen up Taylor Mae, this one’s for you.” With soccer abruptly coming to an end last Thursday and currently waiting on law school decisions, I feel like I am in my own version of limbo. This gives me the perfect opportunity, though, to dive deeper into my relationship with God and use the fruits I have been given. You do not get to pick and choose the fruits of the spirit that you see most fitting for your lifestyle, relationship, stage of life, etc. God has an expectation that we use each and every one of these gifts to bring light into the world, no matter the depth of the darkness. My identity does not solely rest in soccer or school or my future career; It is in God and the development of my faith. God is the one constant that will always remain part of me, giving me a bigger purpose and my true identity! I have found so much peace in this, and I know it will continue to do so no matter how bumpy or smooth the road.

If you ever have a chance to attend a sermon while you are in Nashville, I would highly recommend doing so! The community at Cross Point is caring, bright, and genuine. It is not like any church that I have experienced in the past; I always feel that I am opened with welcome arms and I can come just as I am. Check out Cross Point’s website to learn more!

Have any questions about Cross Point or other topics that you would like to have covered? Any current prayer requests that this community can pray about? Or just want to get in contact with Taylor Mae herself? Be sure to use the Topic RequestPrayer Request, or Contact Me links found under the Let’s Get Connected tab! I post new blogs every Tuesday and Thursday and new content on all of my social accounts every day! Let’s connect and stay up-to-date with me on Instagram (taylor.toat), Pinterest (@taymae_toat), and Facebook (@Taylor Dorenkott).

Let’s have some great big fun today!


Taylor Mae


P.S. This blog is for my Social Media Marketing class, and our grade is based on engagement from readers like you! So, the more exploring of Taylor to a T the better! And what better way to get connected with a new community than building relationships both on and offline? Taylor to a T is just the place for that!

One thought on “Patience!

  1. I am blown away by this Taylor. You really know how to write! Most of all I am so impressed with how you used this sermon to not only guide you through difficult times, but also to grow your faith.

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