How to Make the Most of Your College Experience!

Going into college, my parents told me these would be some of the best years of my life. Sure, my college experience was pretty unique being a student-athlete and going through school during the COVID-19 pandemic. If anything, I do not see this as a hinderance; Rather, I think it has given me a freshened point of view on these supposed “best years” through my unique experience. I have learned so much throughout my college career, both on and off of the field, but this post will cover all the things off of it! Whether it is the good, the bad, or the ugly, my goal is to keep this real and “to the t”.

Here are some lessons that I believe are applicable to anyone’s college experience:

  1. Don’t compare semesters – Every semester is completely unique, so do not go in with any expectations for how well, poorly, etc. it will go. Your experience may also be completely different than a past student’s or even a future’s one. Curriculum and teaching preferences are constantly evolving, adaptation is key!
  2. Step outside of your comfort zone – This is one of the biggest pieces of advice that I can give. In order to make new friends, try new foods, and ultimately find out who you are as an individual, you have to step outside of your comfort zone.
  3. It’s okay to say no – FOMO is real, but don’t overfill your plate. If you do, you are unable to stay in the moment and experience things to the fullest extent.
  4. Don’t buy your books ahead of time – Take this with a grain of salt because it may be totally dependent upon your school, major, personal preference, etc. In my experience, though, most of the required textbooks were never even opened or a PDF version could be found online. Also, talk to people who have already taken the class because they may have a printed version already if you prefer a physical copy over a digital one.
  5. Invest in a printer – This might seem a little bit obvious, but you never know when you might need a last minute assignment or graphics for a project printed. You also don’t have to depend on the university’s printers working properly or being available when you need something ASAP.
  6. Get involved with your major – Whether it’s through a club, study group, or even just a homework buddy, make friends within your major early. This helps for the rest of the semester to go smoothly, especially when it comes to group projects, missing a class, or asking a question about today’s in-class discussion. This is also important because some of your current peers may become your coworker or even your superior interviewing you for a new position. The world is so small, you never know who may run into in the future!
  7. Don’t be afraid to ask questions – Your professor, counselor, mentor, etc. are resources, use them! They have so much experiential knowledge that is just waiting to be tapped into.
  8. It’s not as difficult as it seems – In high school, teachers made college seem like it was a whole other animal. Yes, college material can be more extensive and intense but you also have more time at your disposal. Use it wisely! Being able to manage this time and figuring out which study methods are most effective for you personally are critical.
  9. Find a study method that works for you – Building off of the above lesson, every person does not absorb information the same. I may be more of a visual learner, whereas Jane Done is more if a physical. Figure out what works best for you by testing different methods out! Some people prefer using a white board or good old fashioned paper and pencil to rewrite information, whereas others utilize videos as a visual or auditory aid.
  10. The final lesson: HAVE SOME GREAT BIG FUN! Some of my most favorite memories were made during college and I have built relationships that I know will last a lifetime. Life is too short to let a failed quiz, study stress, or anxiety from meeting new people get in the way. These four years go by so fast, so don’t take it for granted. Enjoy each day you are blessed and make the most of your college experience!

Have any questions about my experience at Belmont or other topics that you would like to have covered? Any current prayer requests that this community can pray about? Or just want to get in contact with Taylor Mae herself? Be sure to use the Topic RequestPrayer Request, or Contact Me links found under the Let’s Get Connected tab! I post new blogs every Tuesday and Thursday and new content on all of my social accounts every day! Let’s connect and stay up-to-date with me on Instagram (taylor.toat), Pinterest (@taymae_toat), and Facebook (@Taylor Dorenkott).

Let’s have some great big fun today!


Taylor Mae


P.S. This blog is for my Social Media Marketing class, and our grade is based on engagement from readers like you! So, the more exploring of Taylor to a T the better! And what better way to get connected with a new community than building relationships both on and offline? Taylor to a T is just the place for that!