Contentment over Comparison: Let Your Light Shine!

Cross Point does it once again! With Pastor Kevin’s return and the conclusion of the previous Movement series, the Heart of Gold series has begun. I love this idea behind this series because it allows for us to set our eyes on God and focus less on worldly things. I find myself so easily consumed by material values and objects, whether it is with social media, filling up an online shopping cart, or predicting what the next big fashion trend will be. This especially ramps up for me during this time of year as Target begins to roll out its Christmas display and the Black Friday ads begin to fill my inbox. At least for me, I have lost sight of the true meaning behind this time of year so this message could not have come at a better time!

Cross Point writes, “In this HEART OF GOLD series, we’ll discover that generosity is at the very core of our faith. Jesus gave everything for us, so in turn, we want to give our all. We want to demonstrate His goodness in our lives, as an act of worship to Him and to be of service to those around us.” This past weekend’s sermon covered all the things on comparison versus contentment in God. In a hilarious yet relatable opening, Pastor Kevin hopped onto a treadmill to get his message going. Yes, you read that right. A treadmill! In between breaths, he talked about how easy it is to compare ourselves to others when you’re next to someone else on a treadmill. This relates to life because we can find ourselves on what Pastor Kevin calls a “treadmill of comparison”. This is a treadmill for our thoughts, such as when we are comparing our lives with others’ and we try to keep up with the people around us. It also paints a picture of constant exhaustion because it never stops moving.

Pastor Kevin breaks down this treadmill of comparison into two lies:

  1. If you get that thing, then you’ll be happy.
  2. You’re not enough.

In today’s world, social media is the biggest event center where these scrolling marathons take place. Living under this crushing weight of never measuring up and constantly “needing” the next best thing continue the exhausting cycle of perpetual lacking that stems from comparison. Pastor Kevin made a a very thought-provoking statement that comparison on social media is not a teenage problem or a technology problem, it’s a human problem. The last of the Ten Commandments says “You shall not covet…” These commandments are the basic building blocks of human flourishing, and the tenth is so important because the only people who know that you are coveting are yourself and God.  Kevin goes on to say, “There are more ways to be a slave than to be in Egypt.” This really hit home and has stuck with me since the sermon because we have become so enslaved to our own desires, including this treadmill of comparison. Rather than turning our eyes toward God and finding contentment in Him, we are consumed with worldly “treasures”.

The only person who has not and will not break the Ten Commandments is Jesus. We are made perfectly imperfect, in God’s image; But, we cannot fulfill God’s purpose for us and you cannot be generous and covet at the same time. So, we need a new heart and this can be done in Christ alone. Pastor Kevin outlines the idea of generosity by stating that those who shine the brightest are those that give themselves away. Philippians 4:13, “I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.” We cannot fight this fight alone, we need God to deliver us from our Egypt. In turn, we can then return the generosity to others. To help with this reciprocation, we are given four practices:

  1. Fill up first – Ask God to fill up your heart with truth, with His spirit. Pay attention to the first thing you do in the morning, as this is when you are the hungriest both physically and spiritually. Pray or just talk to God instead of scrolling through Instagram!
  2. Run your race – Where are you most tempted to look around? Comparison is the thief of joy, so face forward and run your own path that God has set out for you!
  3. Make time to fast – Fasting is the act of willfully and voluntarily giving up something that you want for something that you want more. So, give up food or social media to focus on God.
  4. Tell your money where to go: Matthew 6:21 says, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Be intentional. Our desires and wants don’t tell us where our money goes, He does.

Pastor Kevin concluded his message with the phrase, “I can admire it but I don’t have to acquire it.” I love this because in order to find contentment in God, you must learn to live with less and also learn to live with more without it owning us. God and His word gives us peace in all circumstances, so let your light shine brightly by giving generously to others just as He continually does for us! Fix your eyes forward as you walk in your unique and special calling, spread joy, and find contentment in all the He has done, is currently doing, and will do in your life! I found this message so motivating and hopeful because we not only get to be the light in the darkness, but we can also share this light with others. I encourage you to go out and be generous this week, whether it’s through a donation or even just giving a smile as you walk past a stranger!

Have any questions about Cross Point or other topics that you would like to have covered? Any current prayer requests that this community can pray about? Or just want to get in contact with Taylor Mae herself? Be sure to use the Topic RequestPrayer Request, or Contact Me links found under the Let’s Get Connected tab! I post new blogs every Tuesday and Thursday and new content on all of my social accounts every day! Let’s connect and stay up-to-date with me on Instagram (taylor.toat), Pinterest (@taymae_toat), and Facebook (@Taylor Dorenkott).

Let’s have some great big fun today!


Taylor Mae


P.S. This blog is for my Social Media Marketing class, and our grade is based on engagement from readers like you! So, the more exploring of Taylor to a T the better! And what better way to get connected with a new community than building relationships both on and offline? Taylor to a T is just the place for that!