Student Spotlight: Sarah Doyle!

You know her, you love her, it’s the one and only Sarah Doyle! She’s a beast on and off of the field, the brightest light, and I am so blessed to call her my best friend.

Sarah and I go way back, back to the good old club and high school soccer days. We both committed to Belmont our sophomore years of high school and always roomed at camps together, so naturally we became freshmen year roommates. Some of my favorite memories from college were made with her in that room, especially when a Mamma Mia tune would come on! Currently pursuing a Bachelor of Art’s degree in Business with an emphasis in Marketing, Sarah plans to continue her academic career at Belmont for grad school while concurrently working in the realm of social media with a local sports team!

When she’s not killing it in the classroom, she’s giving 110% on the soccer field. I asked Sarah how she came to choose soccer and she said, “Soccer has been in my life since I was kid. Even before I started playing seriously, I watched my sister and all of her friends play on the weekends and I just fell in love with the sport.” And thank goodness she chose soccer because Sarah helped the 2019 team win the OVC Championship in a PK shootout! Also, she has been named to the MVC’s Third Team this post-season and Keeper of the Week three separate times during the regular season, continuing to leave an incomparable legacy for the Bruins.  She has now made a name for herself in not one but two conferences. 

Soccer is the perfect medium for growth and learning, and Sarah was kind enough to share some hardships that she has experienced during her time as a collegiate student-athlete. Sarah has dyslexia and ADHD, so balancing Division I soccer with her learning disabilities in the classroom and the intense workload has been challenging at times. Over the years, she has opened up and become more vulnerable with her teammates and her professors about her struggles. She never lets her battles conquer her, though. Nehemiah 8:10 says, “Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” This is not only Sarah’s favorite bible verse, but something she constantly exudes. Just like on the field, Sarah puts her all into her work and always goes the extra mile, giving everything she has not only for herself but for others. She brings so much joy to myself and those who she surrounds herself with; I am so grateful to call her a classmate and a teammate, but most importantly a friend.

I am so proud of all that Sarah has done and continues to do. She is one of the most determined people and hardest workers that I have ever met, and I know that God has some great big fun things planned for her future!

Sarah and I are currently in the same Social Media Marketing class, so go check out her blog called The Racing Generation! It covers all the things on the traditions and stories of the Indy 500, so go start your engine and check it out!

Have any questions about Sarah Doyle or other topics that you would like to have covered? Any current prayer requests that this community can pray about? Or just want to get in contact with Taylor Mae herself? Be sure to use the Topic RequestPrayer Request, or Contact Me links found under the Let’s Get Connected tab! I post new blogs every Tuesday and Thursday and new content on all of my social accounts every day! Let’s connect and stay up-to-date with me on Instagram (taylor.toat), Pinterest (@taymae_toat), and Facebook (@Taylor Dorenkott).

Let’s have some great big fun today!


Taylor Mae


P.S. This blog is for my Social Media Marketing class, and our grade is based on engagement from readers like you! So, the more exploring of Taylor to a T the better! And what better way to get connected with a new community than building relationships both on and offline? Taylor to a T is just the place for that!