Student Spotlight: Zoe Cantrell!

Remember the name “Zoe Cantrell” because she is going to do some big things in the future, whether it’s in or out of the courtroom!

Hailing from Gallatin, Tennessee, Zoe chose the somewhat close Belmont University because it would be able to open doors, present her with incomparable opportunities, and provide her with a supportive and loving community that would all combine to help achieve her dreams. I asked Zoe several questions to try and encompass the entirety of her experience, so here are all the things about Zoe at Belmont and beyond!

Top Tips:

  1. What is a piece of advice you wish you knew before starting college?: Savor every moment. Going into college, I did not realize that I would complete my undergraduate courses in two and a half years. My time as an undergraduate student is coming to an end and there are so many things that I am involved in that I wish I had more time with, but I am so thankful for the moments and memories that I have made during my time.
  2. One tip for applying to law school: Be confident in yourself when applying! All the things you have done are worthy of getting into law school and you should be confident in your application and your scores! If you receive a rejection, then there that is not where you were meant to be.

Highlight, Hardship, and Hero:

  1. Highlight: A highlight of my college years was definitely all the friends I have made and the people I have encountered. Every person I have met in my time at Belmont has been so friendly and uplifting. Everyone truly cares about you and wants you to succeed and having that surrounding you is such an amazing feeling.
  2. Hardship: A hardship I faced during my college years was starting school online. As someone who thrives in person, beginning college online was a struggle. It required me to pour more into the classes to really understand and comprehend what I was learning. Once I learned how to handle the new environment of classes online, I was able to manage them well and learn from them.
  3. My mom is my hero because she is so selfless and inspiring. She is the most caring person I know and will bend over backwards to help you in any way she can.


  1. Memory at Belmont: One of my favorite memories from school was probably being a Bruin Recruiter and getting to talk to prospective students and parents. I love bragging on the legal studies major and getting to speak to students about what college life is really like because I remember how nervous I was when I was touring colleges.
  2. Memory beyond Belmont: My favorite memory outside of school would definitely have to be my internship! I currently intern with the Secretary of State’s Office in their Administrative Procedures Division. I love working in the office and getting hands on experience with legal documents, case material and hearings. My internship has given me some wonderful memories and blessed me with some amazing people that I love working with.
  3. Bible verse: Jeremiah 17:7  “Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord.”


  1. Belmont?: I chose Belmont because of their community and opportunities. as someone who has known they wanted to go to law school since they were little, the 3+3 legal studies program stood out to me.
  2. Legal Studies?: Since I was little I have always been interested in the criminal justice field. I knew that I wanted to work in that area and soon decided that becoming a lawyer is what I wanted to do. The legal studies program prepares me for law school, while also giving me a well-rounded education as I take courses from all of the different colleges here at Belmont.

Aspiring to one day become a criminal defense attorney, this 3+3 Legal Studies major brings so much to the table beyond her passion for the law. Zoe has been such an amazing classmate, peer, and friend that I was blessed to meet during my time at Belmont. Determined, hardworking, confident, wise, and bright light are just a few of many adjectives that describe Zoe. Her work ethic is unmatched and her passion to help others is truly inspiring. God has some great big things planned for her future, and I cannot wait to see where she ends up for law school and later in life!

Have any questions about Zoe Cantrell or other topics that you would like to have covered? Any current prayer requests that this community can pray about? Or just want to get in contact with Taylor Mae herself? Be sure to use the Topic RequestPrayer Request, or Contact Me links found under the Let’s Get Connected tab! I post new blogs every Tuesday and Thursday and new content on all of my social accounts every day! Let’s connect and stay up-to-date with me on Instagram (taylor.toat), Pinterest (@taymae_toat), and Facebook (@Taylor Dorenkott).

Let’s have some great big fun today!


Taylor Mae


P.S. This blog is for my Social Media Marketing class, and our grade is based on engagement from readers like you! So, the more exploring of Taylor to a T the better! And what better way to get connected with a new community than building relationships both on and offline? Taylor to a T is just the place for that!